It’s true, if you are just now seriously contemplating having a “mobile strategy” for your marketing efforts, you are already behind the times. To put things into perspective, consider the social media revolution, which could legitimately be called the largest disruption to date in our lifetime. This is a “revolution” that has been more than a decade in the making, and yet businesses are still baffled by Twitter and remain clueless about how to leverage Facebook.

In comparison, it would be totally fitting to say that mobile is more like an exponential global avalanche. There’s no possible way to side-step this one and pray for the dust to settle. I wanted to share the infographic below from Penny Stocks Lab. Take just a few minutes to read through it and to let it sink in.

If the data and statistics in the infographic aren’t enough to blow your mind today, then ponder what all of this means and how it relates to The Internet of Things (#IoT). Now put it all together and exercise a little predictive prowess. How exactly do you need to position yourself and your marketing effort to meet your target buyer persona as they meander along the customer journey in the very near future?

*Click on the image to view it full size.


The State of Mobile in 2014




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