When I initially launched this blog, I included a pretty extensive blogroll…a great list of resources and other blogs that provide valuable information about social media to small businesses. I still believe this is good to do, but I’ve restructured this list completely.
No longer called “blogroll”, my “I can’t get by without “my people”, look into these:” list is much more practical. I know more about my readership now than I did on day 1, and my goal is to provide relevant and valuable resources specifically for you.
Most of the traffic to this blog comes from the top half of Georgia (I love it when a plan comes together!), and my motivation for changing the blogroll is two-fold. First, I want to provide information and resources that the readership can relate to and access further if needed. Second, I have a real desire to support my local colleagues and peers, lending them this space and some traffic is the least that I can do.
For the most part, I know the people on this list personally. I feel very comfortable recommending these; I am happy to vouch for their talent, skills, and their motivation for writing. Many have also been strong supporters of my efforts here on NotEasyToForget.com and beyond.
The list is not done, and I will be adding to it as time goes on. If you feel that you, or someone you know belongs on this list, please drop me a line.
I am honored to be among this list of talented people that I also value tremendously! Each of these writers and bloggers provide great content and I enjoy learning from them online and in person. Especially, you! We have a great local community and it's awesome that you are sharing with your readers.
Thank you for making my Monday!
Thank you for commenting today Marisa, I appreciate it! We do indeed have a great local community, and I’ve been thinking a lot lately about being more intentional in my giving back to the community. I didn’t get here by myself; I have many friends and supporters who make what I do possible. People in Atlanta, not unlike a lot of communities, could benefit collectively and as individuals from more collaboration, synergistic relationships, and strategic alliances. Once upon a time it seemed that everyone was on board with this line of thinking. Sadly, I’ve seen a “pulling away” from this lately.
Things like retweets and blog comments are not trivial things when taken with a broader perspective. The more I considered my blogroll and where it pointed, the more I felt that this was not trivial either. I see all of these efforts, however small, as tangible support.
I learned long ago that if I wanted to stand alone in business, I would do so with my weaknesses and limitations as my only companions.
That's awesome! I see my dot there by Savannah! 😉 Thanks for including me. I don't at all fit in with all your social media guru people, but I'll happily accept the love!
Hi Heather…Lets agree to disagree here. *grins* Your 800+ Twitter followers, the 100+ Facebook fans, the community that surrounds your blog, and the voice and awareness that you bring to a way of life that touches the concerns of many looks like social media done well to me. You may not be a social media guru, none of us are, but what you do you do well!
Very proud and honored to be a part of your list here James. Your blog and what you do to promote digital media are to be admired by all. Glad to have you as a friend and a colleague. Keep up the fantastic work!!
I’m so very pleased that we are connected Chad! I remain ever-impressed by the work that you are doing for the people that you’re associated with and for the entire Atlanta community. The Foursquare swarm party was a huge success and I’m glad that I was able to attend and have a few minutes of conversation with you. I look forward to the next event that you are involved with. Thanks for your comment and kind words today!
An honor to be included on such a fine list sir. Many thanks for the inclusion. I will work hard to continue to be worthy. And look forward to your continued leadership in this space…
I'll always link to you my friend. I love the work you do on so many fronts! I look forward to catching up with you soon. Thank you for your comment.
James, thank you so much for including me! I am honored! Thanks again for giving me the opportunity to contribute!
Absolutely my pleasure Nicole! You're welcome here anytime.
What a great list of resources!
Hi Laura! I think very highly of the people that the list represents. All are successful and giving folks who strive to give back and share what they know to lift up others, I appreciate your comment today and I’m happy that we’re connected. I love “The Weary Publicist”, and I’m excited to see all of the great things that come out of Scholz Communications this year!
I’m always appreciative of your giving ways here online! You’ve been one of my biggest supporters the last year and I’m ever grateful. Folks like you are what make social media so awesome. Looking forward to getting together this summer!