I wanted to share an inspiring story here today, it’s a great example of what I’ve often said, “… that in order to be successful in your use of social media you’ll need to do it differently and better than everyone else.” Being creative and original still goes a long way in this world, especially a world where information and great content are shared so efficiently! In this story, Laura Gainor rises above the norm and “takes” the job that she’s after. I absolutely love it, way to go Laura!
Not to be overlooked is Laura’s strategy here. This was a well planned and skillfully executed campaign.
“Laura Gainor wasn’t always the PR & Social Media Strategist at Comet Branding and this is the story of how that came to be.
When Laura found out she and her husband were moving from Charlotte to Milwaukee, she reached out to companies in the area, including Comet Branding who tweeted about a job opening.
Laura set out to get herself hired by launching a #LauraGainorToMilwaukee campaign that mixed in Twitter, FourSquare and SlideShare.” – From Slideshare’s newsletter page.
Read more in Laura’s own words on the Comet Branding Blog. Here is Laura’s Slideshare presentation:
“I feel very honored to have had my first day in my new desk at Comet Branding on Wednesday, March 3rd. I look forward to being a part of such a growing team and continuing to utilize my knowledge and talents to help our clients grow their brands!” – Laura Gainor, PR + Social Media Strategist for Comet Branding
I am confident that Laura going to do a great job at Comet Branding! I appreciate the lesson, and I’m quite sure that if Laura was launching a new product, blog, or any other venture, that her results would have been similar. I’ll be keeping her in mind when I launch my next campaign! How about you, has this story inspired you at all? Please leave me a comment; I’d love to hear your reactions and thoughts today.
James, thank you for including me in this blog post! Your words are so kind and I'm honored to have inspired you. Hero is a strong word, but I'm flattered:) I look forward to following your upcoming Tweets and blog posts!
Best wishes and thanks again!
Thank you for coming by and commenting Laura…I’m glad that you liked the post! I agree that hero is a strong word, and I don’t use it often. You are my hero today, not simply because you got the job, but because your story and efforts give something to this space that’s needed. To the job seeker or small business owner that gains inspiration and motivation from this post/your story…you’re the hero that made them want to reach higher! That’s what a hero’s for, right?
For myself, I really enjoyed digging into this story and all of its parts. You've made my day! I look forward to seeing your work at Comet Branding evolve!
That is so awesome! Truly inspiring. Almost as inspiring as your peeps.
Heather, seriously…if one were to want to run for an office someplace…something like this could have a huge impact, don't you think? Maybe you and Nicole G. could collaborate! Thank you for commenting!
It's a beautiful thing at times when people take the more unconventional and out of the box approach and even sweeter when results like this come of it. Sorry I cannot be a little more verbose.
Yes, it's very good to see something good come from an example of someone shaping things to fit their individual goals and needs…I'm seeing more and more larger companies taking risks and being truly unique, but this story really hit home with me because it's about an individual. So many small businesses these days are faced with the handling of their own marketing efforts, many through social media…and this story offers some guidance and enlightenment!
So YOU are 2400promotions on Twitter? Why am I just now putting this together in my mind? Thanks for the comment Ben!
Am I @2400Promotions – part in parcel. It's become my baby more or less. Still would like to chat with you. Just can't seem to get time in day. After this month is over I'll be OK. Crazy busy right now with much on my plate. Take care friend.
Let me know when you find the time…I look forward to it!
Way to go, Laura, and thank you, James, for sharing!! I emailed your video to an artist friend and took notes, as well! Thanks!
Thank you for passing it along Olivia. I hope that your artist friend finds it useful! I appreciate your support and your comment today!
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