A tweet by Scott Stratten (@unmarketing on Twitter) caught my attention yesterday, and I felt that it warranted a deeper look. I was pleasantly surprised by what I found as I looked into what Vistaprint was doing across the social web. I wanted to share my thoughts and findings with you here today. The tweet:

 I’m a long-time fan of Vistaprint. I’ve used their services and recommended them for years. The company is probably best known for their “250 free business cards” offer, but that’s not what I wanted to talk about here. I want to direct your attention to their exemplary use of social media. Below is an overview in pictures – with a few thoughts.

On Twitter

Vistaprint has created a unique and seperate landing page for their Twitter followers. Vistaprint takes it one step further towards creating interest and loyalty by offering exclusive discounts on their landing page. Vistaprint tweets about this page often.


Vistaprint does an excellent job managing expectations on their Twitter page by clearly spelling out who is there to tweet and when they’ll be there. Twitter for Vistaprint looks to be more about communication, branding, and PR as opposed to customer service, though I’m sure that they would oblige.  Having the number for customer service on a Twitter bio makes good sense here.


An active page with over 10,000 fans, Vistaprint’s Facebook page is fun and engaging. Again, Vistaprint clearly communicates what the page is for: “This page is for fan and company interaction, but is not an outlet to customer service. If you have a question or issue with an order, please call…”

VistaPrint has also utilized Facebook’s Static FBML application to create a very nice welcome page. The page currently has a special “Facebook only” offer, and also points to the many other places where fans may want to find and interact with Vistaprint.


When you visit the nicely branded Vistaprint YouTube channel, what you’ll find are some very creative videos that were a part of the “Why I Love Vistaprint” Video Contest. Contests and/or a giveaway are a great way to crowd source great content for branded, company owned pages. This was nice to see from Vistaprint. Check out the winning entry:


An open group serves as Vistaprint’s presence on Flickr. Crowdsourcing provides most of the content here. Judging by the entries, it would appear that Vistaprint’s clients appreciate the voice they’ve been given and the platform for showing off their designs and products from Vistaprint!


This one surprised me a little. It’s not that they have a blog, I expected as much, but the way that Vistaprint uses it’s blog as an outlet for advice, guidance, and information designed to help other businesses was like finding a treasure! Oftentimes I see companies facing only toward consumers and internal communications with their social media efforts and strategy.  It’s rare to find a company wholly embracing the brotherhood that are the other businesses and peers that make a business what it is. Well done Vistaprint!

Vistaprint’s overall branding and “voice” is very professional and consistent in all of the places I ventured into. I really like that the example that they are setting can be followed by any size company and that they are extending a hand of friendship to other businesses. I’m glad I caught Scott’s tweet about them yesterday and had a chance to look into what this company is doing.

What are your thoughts today? Did you find some inspiration or maybe even an idea or two to try for yourself today? Drop me a comment; I’d like to hear your thoughts.

Disclosure: I have not received any compensation for writing this content and I have no material connection to the brands, topics and/or products that are mentioned herein.

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