Thanksgiving Chapel


It’s Thanksgiving day! I wrote a special thank you post a few days ago, and as I was writing it, I realized how many individuals I’ve come to appreciate in this social media “space”. To all of you once again, I am thankful for the connections and camaraderie that we share. Today is a busy day filled with activities, and so I just wanted to take a moment to point out two of my favorite finds today. Both are blog posts that made me feel a little better after having read them. I hope you enjoy them too.

The first is a post by Robyn Cobb on her Project Authenticity page. “Giving Thanks, It’s Not Just For Thanksgiving” was a great read, and I appreciated the point she made and the story she tells. The second was a post by Andrew Ran Wong, and addressed some great things that social media does for all of us. “20 Things We Should Be Thankful for in Social Media” actually reminded me of a few things about social media that I overlook and take for granted sometimes. I thought this was a great list.

This is all I wanted to share today, save telling you all that I hope your day today is a great and memorable one. Travel safe if you’ve made a trip. I hope you’ve had some peaceful time to reflect on and embrace anew the things in your life that need some attention. I know I have!

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