I love it when something turns out to be exactly “as advertised”, don’t you? I love it even more when a product or a service makes something a little bit easier for struggling small businesses. Today I am super-pleased to introduce you to Onepager. Onepager is a service that allows you to create a dandy little one page website in minutes. Seriously, I built a website using Onepager in 30 minutes last night (I even cropped a pic for the background and made a little logo). Click the image below and check it out.
The videos below pretty much explain everything you’ll need to know about what Onepager can do for you. After you watch the videos I want to highlight a few things I found while building my Onepager example site.
I’m not saying that this is a great solution for everyone. I am saying that if you don’t have a website and need a quick, easy, and affordable solution…Onepager might be a great fit for you. The service is new and I feel like they will add versatility as they mature. Please do share this post around, Tweet it, Facebook it, or whatever and wherever you do your thing. I think Onepager might be some pretty good news for a lot of people out there.
Things I Really Liked:
- I was totally impressed with the user-friendly interface as I built the page. You certainly don’t have to be tech or website savvy to navigate through your build. The screen grabs below give you an idea about how easy it is to use their dashboard.
- When you “Launch” your site you are presented with payment options. $8 per month if you buy the year and $10 a month if you pay monthly.
- You get a spiffy onepagerapp.com/yournamehere URL as the default or you can register your very own custom one right there in the dash for $15! If you already have a domain and want to use it, they provide clear instructions on how to point it to your Onepager site.
- Search engine optimization? Sorta’. Check out the screengrab below and note that the code does pull title, description, and keyword info. It only took me 5 minutes to look at my one Onepager site and a few of their examples to figure out what pulled from where.
I think that the blog post about why Onepager was built and this quote in particular helped to win me over as well:
“Small businesses are important to communities and you can’t argue about their impact on shaping the culture or our towns and cities. We’ll keep doing everything we can to help them get online and find other ways to grow their businesses!” – Matt Moore, Onepager blog
So what are your thoughts? Do you think Onepager is a good solution for the multitude of small businesses out there that have no website whatsoever? What would you add to the service to make it even better?