Just last week I overheard someone mention that “Facebook intends to put their new “Like” button on the whole internet.” Well, today we have an excellent preview of what this may indeed come to look like. Levi’s online store is fully Facebook integrated using Facebook’s newly announced Open graph. Also see Zuckerberg: “We Are Building A Web Where The Default Is Social” 

Read more about the Facebook f8 conference from earlier today:  What We Just Learned At The F8 Keynote And Press Conference 

Thanks to Jay Baer for the tweet that brought this to my attention!

You’ve just got to go and see/play with the new Levi’s site! Click the screen capture to visit the site.


*Update: Someone (Thanks Becky) just asked me how this could be applied to small town business, if individuals can manage the integration themselves. The answer as I see it is yes. More about integrating into a site/blog here:  http://developers.facebook.com/docs/opengraph

Above is what you’ll see on Facebook as this is all being rolled out. Presently, Facebook is connected via the new Open graph with 30 large “partners”. I found Facebook all over my Pandora last night as well! Expect to see this number grow at near light speed. I Think Facebook Just Seized Control Of The Internet

Get Your Own “Like” Button:

I did, see it top right, under my head. I simply plugged the code that I got from http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/like into a text widget here on my blog. It’s easy, just type in your url and set a few options, grab the code and paste it!

Facebook like button

Social shopping, real-time search…buckle up folks, this ride’s just getting started!

Robert Scoble just posted Facebook’s ambition which is a great post about all that has happened in the last 24 hours and some very interesting thoughts on the future matter.

*UPDATE 4/24/10: For a nice WordPress plugin to add the Like button to your individual posts(see mine below), visit:  http://www.studionashvegas.com/plugins/facebook-like-button-plugin/

Disclosure: I have not received any compensation for writing this content and I have no material connection to the brands, topics and/or products that are mentioned herein.

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