Many will find the statistics highlighted in the following video from Erik Qualman frightening. Erik puts these out every year, and SURPRISE…the numbers just-keep-on-growing! If you are not currently embracing and attempting to leverage all that the Internet and social media can do to help you grow your business…you’re more than a little behind at this point.
Society has chosen the Internet and social media as the source for information that they will utilize to help them make decisions about the products and services that they purchase. If you have decided not to participate in this societal shift (whether based on fear or ignorance), you are doing yourself a great disservice. It’s not too late for anyone. Simply making the decision to dive in and learn more is an excellent first step!
**Below the video I’ve included an excellent Infographic showing how much time and money small businesses are spending on social media. These are your competitors and your peers.
Consider these key statistical takeaways from the video:
- 90% of people trust online recommendations from people they know
- 93% of marketers use social media for business
- New Yorkers received tweets about an east coast earthquake 30 seconds before they felt it
- 53% of people on Twitter recommend products in their Tweets
- More members join LinkedIn per day than the entire enrollment of all the IVY League Schools
You’ll need to watch the video a few times in order to absorb all the statistics. I hope that the video and Infographic provide some insight and encouragement for you today. Don’t hesitate to contact me if you feel that you’d like some help getting all of this in order for your business. Feel free to read what others have to say about my capabilities, services, and successes. Enjoy the video!
This Infographic is based on a survey of almost 500 small businesses and was conducted between Sept. and Oct. of this year. Over 90% of these companies have 100 employees or less.