Cathy Iconis, with the help of several contributors, started a blog for Atlanta Small Businesses on January 1, 2010, called Atlanta Small Biz. I too, am now a regular contributor there. I will be providing the readership with social media marketing ideas, advice, and resources just as I do here. This is in addition to and certainly not instead of what I do here on my own blog. This is a great opportunity for me to share what I do here with my valued clients, friends, and peers in the Atlanta area.

“We are striving to create an open community of experts and small business people to share ideas and insight into owning and operating a small business in Atlanta.”

The topics that AtlantaSmall.Biz covers include: Social Media / Marketing / Management / Operations / Insurance / Commercial Real Estate / Finance / Accounting / Sales

The Authors (Links To Their Business Site):

Cathy has assembled a great team of writers in order to provide solid resources and advice on many of the topics that small businesses are searching for. I am truly proud to be working with such a talented and skilled group of people. I will be adding a link at the top of posts here when articles are posted on AtlantaSmall.Biz that run on concurrent days. Please take a minute to read my introduction from yesterday, and have a look around the AtlantaSmall.Biz site. I hope you find something useful there today!

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