This post is from the Social Media Breakfast Atlanta website, written by Ken Cook. If you missed it yesterday…be sure to join us next month! This really is a great crowd. It’s a smaller and much more focused group to say, a seminar. The environment and conversations are perfect for learning and sharing.

Just in case you missed us we had a fantastic event at the Atlanta Bread Company on Prado Lane in Marietta (Town Center) on April 15. About 22 people showed up for the event and we enjoyed our normal great breakfast and coffee and each other.

James Ball spoke about what it means to make money from your online experience. Much more than a “Twitter 101″ session James talked about the self-less hours needed to be dedicated to your online presence, the need to engage and promote others and the way many people fail to understand how improbable it is to “buy your way to the top”.

“Paying me to do it for you [engage] is like using pay-per-click advertising”, James says, “once the budget runs out it’s over.”

We were also joined by a lovely family of sweet potato pie bakers who also distribute soul seasonings. They were picked on often by many present as the perfect type of business to take social for profit. One of their party, Ed Montgomery, was psyched when he left and obviously ready to hit it! Remember, Ed, if you have enough true friends you’ll never have to sell anything.

Attending today was Desiree Scales of Bella Web Design who joined us for the first time. A repeat visit from Steve Moore proved as helpful as always and so many others were on hand as well. Let’s just say it was certainly one of the best Social Media Breakfasts in Marietta to date.

Chris Foster from joined us as well and I’m looking forward to much more from Chris with the relaunching of that fantastic user driven site. I’ll see Chris at the Atlanta Steeple Chase very soon!

Next month you have GOT to be there! Two great speakers I am really looking forward to. Kevin Glowacki – The Atlanta Wine Guy and Taryn Pisaneschi, founder of W.I.N. – Women Intelligently Networking

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