by James Ball | May 24, 2011 | Facebook, Infographic, Quote and Toon, Social Media, Technology, Twitter
…no seriously. I am NOT afraid to tell you that Bob Ross is a hero of mine. I sat in front of that T.V. mesmorized! It’s no big secret that I’m also a huge fan of social media. Flowtown has struck a nerve with me on this one. They’ve done it...
by James Ball | May 20, 2011 | Location Based, Marketing, Mobile, Resources, Strategy, Technology
On Monday and Tuesday of this week I had the good fortune to attend Digital Summit 2011 in Atlanta, GA. Overall it was a great conference and the turnout was pretty spectacular. I was a little let down as the déjà vu did set in rather quickly. One conference is very...
by James Ball | May 12, 2011 | Creativity, Marketing, Social Media, Strategy, Technology
If you’re at all like me, then you are constantly excited and challenged by the fast-paced world that we live in. New technology springs forth with a quickness never before encountered in history. We’re all on a quest (and in a hurry) to find the best way to market...
by James Ball | Apr 19, 2011 | Blogging, Resources, Technology
You’ll have to be patient with me on this one…this is just a test. I just spent $2.99 and I couldn’t wait to try it out. Truth be told – I bought the app just to get the awesome typewriter icon! Seriously though, the ability to sit here on the...
by James Ball | Jan 25, 2011 | Community, Networking, Resources, Social Media, Technology
…and I love it! I’m already a huge LinkedIn fan, but this goes a long way towards appeasing the hunter of shiny things in me. LinkedIn Maps is an astounding piece of work and it’s absolutely stunning to behold…and it has some very practical...
by James Ball | Jan 13, 2011 | Early Adopters, Resources, Social Media, Technology
From the Quora website – Quora is a continually improving collection of questions and answers created, edited, and organized by everyone who uses it. The most important thing is to have each question page become the best possible resource for someone who wants...