by James Ball | Apr 3, 2014 | Case Studies, Digital Marketing, Inbound Marketing, Infographic, Marketing, Mobile, Resources, Social Media, Technology
Many years ago in one of my early business ventures I had an epiphany, “we are all marketing to women…and that’s that.” This lesson impacted me and it has shaped much of my marketing career since then. I’ve preached it to whoever would listen...
by James Ball | Jul 12, 2013 | Advice, Blogging, Case Studies, Digital Marketing, How To, Infographic, Marketing, Strategy
Do you know exactly who makes up your target market? What demographic does your product or service appeal to the most? Have you ever really considered whether or not you yourself are a part of that same audience and demographic? I ask because it is supremely important...
by James Ball | Nov 8, 2012 | Case Studies, Facebook, Marketing, Social Media, Twitter, Video
Many will find the statistics highlighted in the following video from Erik Qualman frightening. Erik puts these out every year, and SURPRISE…the numbers just-keep-on-growing! If you are not currently embracing and attempting to leverage all that the Internet and...
by James Ball | Jun 16, 2011 | Case Studies, Facebook, Networking, Resources, Social Media
I am fascinated this morning by a new report today from Pew Internet & American Life Project. The Facebook data alone that is contained in this report should prove to be infinitely valuable to marketers. The data was collected by Princeton Survey Research...
by James Ball | Jun 1, 2011 | Case Studies, Creativity, Marketing, Social Media, Strategy
I want you to take a look today, if you will, at an initiative that was launched yesterday by the fine folks at Seth Godin’s Domino Project. I think that you’ll find some ideas and a chunk of real inspiration here, I know I did. Actually, I’m not even going to be coy...
by James Ball | May 2, 2011 | Blogging, Case Studies, Resources, Social Media, Strategy
For the past four years, BlogHer has conducted research to provide very informative studies on women and social media. If you care anything at all about either (my hand is raised!), you owe yourself an in-depth look into this year’s 2011 Social Media Matters Study...